sábado, 1 de febrero de 2020

Chess Grand Master

Chess Grand Master Savielly Tartakower was driving this truck ages ago: "Tactics is what you do when there is something to do; strategy is what you do when there is nothing to do".

Macu. Kitschmacu 

martes, 28 de enero de 2020


In the age of connectivity, the intersecciones are everything because they lead people to better places. 

miércoles, 22 de enero de 2020

Running the business the 4P's

I just had read this:
"Every business, no matter the size, should be run on the 4P's: Purpose, Performance, Product and People.
All four wheels must be aligned, spinning and accelerating to sustain growth". 

The 4P's work for any company regardless of size. 

By quoting my beloved Peter Drucker "No institution can possibly survive if it needs geniuses or supermen to manage it. It must be organized in such a way as to be able to get along under a leadership composed of average human beings" 

From my perspective... Short and clever.

More than an average human... I must say more human, more human beings. 

Thank you for coming. 

Macu. Kitschmacu 


Who inspire the inspirers?
The pillars: Responsability, Learning, Recognition and Joy.

Macu. Kitschmacu 

lunes, 20 de enero de 2020

iPhone 11 Pro. Chinese New Year.

Desde China, con amor, de parte del BUEN Rubén Beltrán, está joya de producción e historia (grabada con iPhone 11 Pro), vale totalmente cada uno de los 8 minutos que dura la full versión. 

Acá dejo la liga para verlo en YouTube:


This is art. 


domingo, 19 de enero de 2020

It hurts

It hurts.

Finalmente lo reconocí. Con reconocer me encuentro con la recolección, esa que colecciona los por qué y los cómo, para colocarlos en el escaparate de sentir. La exhibición de lo incómodo, de los silencios, las memorias. Mezcla dura de tiempo y de cicatrices de bordes dolorosos. El destiempo es la constante del recuerdo, como el oleaje, perpetuo, repliegue y avanzada. A veces flota, a veces moja, ahoga el ahora. 

Hoy, it hurts. 

Macu. Kitschmacu. 

domingo, 22 de septiembre de 2019

Dog Dates. Pedigree

I found this and I guess it is beautiful.

Pedigree launched “Dog Dates”. Pedigree asked dog owners to participate in the program so their pets could be matched with elderly people. Loneliness and social isolation have a powerful and significant impact on senior health, so to help older people to remain physically and socially active, Pedrigree created this campaign. 

Elderly people can have few hours of quality time with doggie’s companion and have just the right time of interaction for both parties.

Here you can find the fun series of prints ads of these wonderful dates.

Someone's got a date :)

Thanks for coming to Kitschmacu
