sábado, 9 de mayo de 2015

Be a mom for a moment. UNICEF.

Mañana acá en México se celebra el día de las madres, ¡muchas felicidades a todas! Entre los muchos roles que las mujeres podemos desempeñar (o elegir desempeñar) a lo largo de nuestras vidas, desde mi punto de vista la elección de convertirse en mamá es una decisión de valentía, amor supremo y mucha entrega.

La maternidad es desgarradora, desgarra los límites del amor y los lleva a dimensiones en donde no existen ni incapacidad, medida o restricciones, el rol de madre enfrenta en todo el mundo diferentes realidades, comparto este texto desarrollado para +UNICEF  por parte de la agencia Taivas en Helsinki Finlandia, un texto que de verdad estremece y apesadumbra el corazón ante lo cruel que puede resultar la vida:

“Just at this moment there is a small child missing his mother.

There is no-one to hold him, wipe his tears, or give him hope of a better tomorrow. He is curled up on the street, hungry and tired. At night he covers himself in some newspapers he found. There is no-one to tuck him in, read him a bedtime story, or kiss him good night. When he closes his eyes, he remembers his mothers face. He hopes that in the morning when we wakes up, Mommy will be back. And will never die again.

There are millions of children in this world that have lost their parents. When parents fall ill their children try to take care of them and the elder children assume responsibility for their younger siblings. UNICEF does not leave children alone. We cannot bring back their lost parents, but by looking after their basic needs, health, alimentation, education and basic security we are able to provide them a safe childhood.

UNICEF-supported safe homes give children food and drink and a roof over their heads. We arrange their healthcare and schooling, and offer them care and psychological support. 80% of UNICEF personnel work out in the field with children and their parents in order to give security and stability to as many of them as possible. Children need an adult to look after them. An adult, that can be like a mother to them.

Motherhood is not biology, it is a state of mind. The willingness to care for, nurture and raise a small human being. That’s why anyone can be a Mom for a moment regardless of gender, race or social status. And although it is impossible to put a price on a mother’s love, a bit of motherhood can be given in a moment. See how it gives children a chance”.

Be a Mom for a moment. www.unicef.fi

Por todas aquellas madres de nacimiento y/o crianza que aman, pelean, ríen, lloran… por la vida y obra de cada mujer en el mundo.

Macu. Kitschmacu.


Advertising Agency: Taivas, Helsinki, Finland

Art Directors: Jyri Niemi, Anna-Mia Alanko

Copywriter: Adele Enersen

Graphic Designer: Fredrik Stürmer

Account Supervisors: Heini Häyrinen, Joanna Kokonmäki
Published: March 2009

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